Some notes... -It requires winpcap to run (available here... -It runs on XP, >=98 probably OK but untested -Depending on your personal firewall software, you might not see all activity, I believe winpcap operates at a higher level in the TCP/IP stack and is subject, I think, to the same constraints as tcpdump and ethereal on windows. Your thoughts on this are welcome. -It currently supports TCP & UDP over IP and Ethernet. -I'm not releasing the source code at this time. -In the IP address field, enter the host's IP address. This is used to let the program know what you consider your internal network for proper plotting. You can enter a specific IP to monitor or a network range (e.g. or 192.168.1. or 192.168. ) To install... 1. Install winpcap 2. Run rumint's setup.exe To use 0. Run program 1. Type in your IP 2. Click start button 3. Check your email, browse the web etc. If you see lines appearing you are good to go. 4. The snapshot button, makes .bmp images of the two windows and places them in the application's directory. Please consider it an alpha release, but it should be reasonably stable. The program is available from Feedback is welcome to Greg